9.9. 2022 ” EYMEN – POINT OF VIEW”








Place: cinema Metropolis ( Hamburg – Germany)

Time: 20:00h

Festival Tanzahoi

Projection of a documentary about creation of a dance performance, which was created during 2019-2021 in Czech Republic and Ghana. The theme of the project is death and what is the point of view about this topic in such a different cultures.

16.6 2022 “Eymen- point of view”

Premiere of a documentary about dance project and Its creation in Czech Republic and Afrika.

Premiere is going to take a part at the festival Tanec Praha.

Place: Theater Ponec (Husitská 899/24A, 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov)

Time: 20:00h

23.6.2022 ” Ritual”

(live instalation with a performance)

Place:  Pragovka -Art Gallery,34a, Kolbenova 923, Vysočany, 190 00 Praha 9



22.10-23.10 2021   “Suspect shadow” (audiovisual dance performance)

Place:    Art gallery Pragovka (Kolbenova 923, 190 00 Prague 9-Vysočany)

Ticket portal:

13.8 – 31.8 2021  „Don’t feed the aligators“

Place: Prague, Festival Letní Letná

France circus company 100 Issues, in colaboration with czech assotiation FARO moving space. Lenka Kniha B. cooperates as an interprator in this project.

(25.7 – 7.82021)    “ Eymen – Point of view“ (site specific performance)

Place: Ghana, (University of Akkra) Afrika

Free entry