Eymen – Point of view


(documentary site-specific performance)



What is death? What is reality? Whats your point of view? How many points of view does exist? That much how many cultures are? Everybody goes throw the same cycle from the birth to death. Everybody has own story and fears conected with an idea what is after?

Cast in Czech Republic:  Ridina Ahmedová, L. Kniha B,Ruhia Sadik, Clifford Selorm Ametefe, Miroslav Maruška, Marie Vnoučková, Olexandr Dimytriv

Cast In Ghana: Ridina Ahmedová, Lenka Kniha B., Bára Makalová, Clifford Selorm Amete, Ruhia Sadik, Mr. Courage Yaw Botsoe (Kofi Black), Mr. Shaibu Abdulai, Mrs. Akua Boakyewa Abloso.

Theme and creative producent: Yvona Kreuzmannová
Choreography: Lenka Kniha Bartůňková
Music: Ridina Ahmedová
Sound co-operation: Martin Ožvold

Producer: Tanec Praha z.ú. – international Festival TANEC PRAHA


About the project:

The project was created in colaboration of an associations  Tanec Praha under the auspices of an director theater Ponec by Yvonna Kreutzmanová, Czech  embassy, National dance company Ghana Dance Ensemble and FARO moving space.

The basis of the creative team „Eymen- Point of view“ are the choreographer Lenka Kniha Bartůňková (http://www.bartunkova.com) in close collaboration with a singer Ridina Ahmedová (https://www.ridina.cz/), two dancers Ruhia Sadik and Clifford Selorm Amete from Ghana Dance Ensemble .

First part of the creation (2019)started with the visit of Lenka Kniha B. and Ridina Ahmedová in Ghana. During ten days they started with the preparation and collection of audio material for the performance “Eymen -Point of view.” They were recording an interviews with people from different kind of social backrounds. The topic of the interview is “Death”.

During their visit in Africa Ridina and Lenka were doing dance and singing workshops with the students of the University in Akkra and with dancers of Ghana Dance ensemble . Lenka Kniha B. performed her solo “Lágrima” at the University and Ridina Ahmedová introduced her work with a concert.

Second part of the creation continued the same year in Prague.Two african dancers Ruhia Sadik and Clifford Selorm Amete arrived for one month to work and to perform this piece.The choreography is a physical theater , with live music made by a singer Ridina Ahmedová. The audience takes a part in the piece. The composition of the performers consist one contemporary dancer, two african dancer, on break dancer and two seniors and a singer.

“Eymen-Point of view” was premiered at Prague Quadrienale and Festival Tanec Praha 2019. The piece was accompanying the festival Tanec Praha and was performed in other regions in Czech Republic.

The third phase of this project continued 2021 in turn of July and August in Ghana. Our destination was to bring back the piece to the place, where it had stared from. We worked with  local artist,seniors and audience. Our goal was to create a dokumentary about several years proces of the project “Eymen- point of view”.

  • The documentary is going to be presented at the festival Tanec Praha 2022


Voice workshop in Ghana:
